"We have chosen to put our money and our faith in a mathematical framework that is free of politics and human error...."

Proof of stake validators

Proof of stake (PoS) protocols are a class of consensus mechanisms for blockchains that work by selecting validators in proportion to their quantity of holdings in the associated cryptocurrency. This is done to avoid the computational cost of proof of work schemes. 3ventures has the right people with the technical skills to set up validators in PoS blockchain networks.

Blockchain and systems security


Our security team members take care of the security of the servers and the processes.

Blockchain availability 24x7 - on call and follow the sun - alerting and monitoring


Availability is key as the validators generate the rewards depending on it. Our SLA guarantees a 98% of availability.

Decentralization and geographical distribution


Our validators are distributed around the world using different cloud provides. AWS, GKE, VPS or baremetal.

Transparency, public blockchain transactions


The validators addresses are public, every movement is recorded in each blockchain ledger.


Easy enterprise staking validators

easy Enterprise-grade staking

We setup and run high availability secure signing nodes to validate the largest PoS blockchains. We translate our devoted technical knowledge of PoS systems into high quality operational validators.


Our team is comprised of highly skilled experts, talented people with backgrounds in financial markets, technology and entrepreneurship. With a genuine passion for blockchain technology, security, cloud, distributed systems and high availability architectures. We have been involved in the blockchain space since 2014 as both investors and advisors and can leverage deep relationships with other participants in the ecosystem.

Blockchain high skilled experts - blockchain technology - blockchain validators
Blockchain defi technologies - finance industry - finance validators


We believe blockchain is shaking up the way we live and interact with each other. Banking and finance are already changed since Defi technologies are arising and invading the financial industry.


We operate a professional infrastructure, fit for institutional and token holders. We build our own tools to create intuitive and easy-usage products designed for normal users. The technology we build is replacing inefficient and legacy structures based on coercion and fear with an open financial system that facilitates efficiency and permissionless innovation.

Professional blokchain infrastructure - intuitive blockchain tools - open financial systems - permissionless innovation blokchain

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